[Draft] Designing a TEE App Resistant to Hacked Chips 📘
TEEs are awesome, but they can be compromised and in itself pose a challenge around availability that also greatly impacts security (NB: this last connection to security will be clearer ...
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[Draft] Towards a More Modular Dstack Implementation 📘
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Running Helios Clients on GCP TDX TEE For Attestable Data 📗
Assuming the reader already knows what [Helios](https://github.com/a16z/helios) is, I explore how to run a Helios light client within a Trusted Execution Environment to attest over netwo...
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Understanding vTPM+TDX Attestation and Quoting Through the TSM ABI 📗
This article is aimed at anyone that wants to understand how the vTPM<>TDX combined attestation works. Additionally, I talk a bit about using the ABI exposed by the Trusted Security Modu...
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Stellar And MeV: Deep Dive into Optimal Tx Ordering, Censorhip, and Eclipse MeV copy 📗
In this article I expand a bit more about my new MeV + node behavior verification proposal by demistifying the PoW-based hashing attack vector for optimal ordering.
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MeV has alwa... -
The First Modular Confidential VM Network Implementation is Here 📗
I've recently been introduced to the world of trusted execution environments (TEEs), mainly around the topic of confidential virtual machines (CVM). Dstack is pretty much the only design...
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Guest Level Opt In Reentrancy On The Soroban Virtual Machine? 📗
TLDR I just opened a core PR to add opt-in reentrancy to Soroban. Calling all developers to discuss this! # Back Story and Proposal I kind of always gave for granted that Soroban would...
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One Step Closer To DeFi: New Horizons and Why I Started Adding Protocol Utilities In Zephyr copy 📗
Soroban needs to grow, let's accelerate that. # Preamble I think that anyone who is in the Soroban ecosystem right now notices that we're undergoing a stagnant situation. The tech is g...
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My Meridian 2024 Talks Recap 📗
TLDR this is the recap of my two Meridian talks. #Meridian2024 was actually the first Meridian I could attend, but the wait for meeting irl the folks I worked with for the last years wa...
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Meridian 2024 SVM Talk Technical References 📗
If you've made it to this post, it likely means that you are interested in the more technical aspect of my [Meridian 2024](https://meridian.stellar.org) talk about the soroban virtual ma...
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Proposing a Safe On Chain Actions Standard through Smart Wallets 📗
In a [recent post](https://blog.xycloo.com/blog/blend-bot-with-zephyr-and-smart-accounts), XyclooLabs showed a proof-of-concept for using smart accounts for on-chain actions deployed on ...
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Going through Stellar Mainnet whole History with rs ingest copy 📗
For those who do not know it, I've been working on a rust crate that allows for custom ingestion from a stellar core captive process. The crate is [rs-ingest](https://github.com/xycloo/r...
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Update 1: Soroban Zig sdk 📗
I recently started learning Zig and as commitment to learning this language, which seems ergonomic and pretty close to Rust in terms of syntax, I started building a soroban SDK for it. ...
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Jan 16, 2023
Testing the first working version of Soroban Analyzer 📗
Hey there! It's been a couple of months since I wrote here. But I'm back with an interesting hands-on article about using [Soroban Analyzer](https://github.com/xycloo/soroban-analyzer)...
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Playing with Soroban events 📗
handle in the environment that allows us to publish events. In this post we'll explore how to publish events, why a contract would publish one, and how to read...
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Rock paper scissors betting smart contract 📗
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Soroban advanced auth on the CLI 📗
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Now Also Markdown Here 📘
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Soroban commit reveal hashing scheme 📗
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Soroban Dutch Auction Smart Contract 📗
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Soroban CLI basics: deployment and playing with invocations 📗
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Soroban offices game smart contract 📗
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Lottery smart contract with Soroban 📗
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Vault smart contract with Soroban 📗
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RustWASM: receive js (nested) arrays as parameters 📗
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Personal notes on Elliptic curve pairings 📘
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Zokrates+Rust+WASM: personal notes on verifying zokrates built proofs with rustwasm 📘
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Rust: Groth16 Proof Verification From Scratch 📘
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Rust: wasm with no std allocator 📗
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How I built this blog 📗
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